Sunday, March 8, 2020

One more life to live

 In the midst of regular routine we often don't realise how blessed we are unless we end up with some hard lessons. This post is simply about peeping into the presence and absence of  the blessings in life. 

That moment and the 'feeling at ease and being relieved' when coming out of hospital. Ever thought how does it feels while undergoing a treatment? Accepting one's ill condition and dealing with self and people around?
Yes it needs strength to be there for self and strength to stand with the crowd. Certain moments feel like the end of everything. It does require efforts to balance the state of mind and overflowing emotions. The journey for sure teaches us how to take care of self and keep yourself on priority.
For the ones who have tendency to wait for situation to get worst, simply because they fail to balance the inner and outer world within them, this becomes another point of reflection again. We are so used to taking things for granted that we fail to realize the value of what we have. Yes we take granted that rising sun, that freshly served morning breakfast and tea, our parents whom we rely on, that friend who is always there by you no matter what, that job we have in hand, that house that we live in.
The ones abandoned of all these small things die to live these moments. That person who isn't sure how long he will be able to cherish those small things. That plight of a person who has no surety of when will things start getting better? When will they have that normal routine life again? 
While we reacted on traffic jam that delayed our returning back to home, there are people who were unable to reach their family due to uncertain events. While we ignored all efforts made by the significant person by our side, there were people who had none by their side even in their happiest of days.
It's easy to take those little things for granted untill we realize that we don't have them anymore. What if we think of the better things we have in life? What if we count our blessings in difficult times? Can we see the brighter side? It needs faith and belief in oneself to remind of being grateful for the better things one have. Would you say "I wasted my whole year after this relationship that ended"? Or would you say "It saved the rest of my life for better"?  This whole attitude defines the later part, if you want to continue being in the sorrow state or you want to restart and re live the life? 
"You Only Live Once"  they say, so how about considering that refresh button when you have the chance? You still want to stay stuck in the situation or you would choose to get up and live with all the strength you have?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pages Of Life

Here I am disclosing my book of life …. How it went … how it still goes…what I gained…what  I am still gaining ….what it brought ….what still it brings….I’m not putting full stop because life is still going on…it continues…it goes on and on….it is just wonderful… at it..

                                                 Pages of life…….
Life …God gave me this wonderful gift…..Lord is the creator …. We the human beings….I’m thankful to him….he gave this wonderful gift….
What is life????....I wonder…why are we here??? We are connected with so many unknown souls…..that to sometimes for long time and sometimes for a very short period of time…..why???  I guess they have some karmic relations with us?
Life is the best teacher as all what I can say….it gives us problems to face and then we learn from it........I don’t know how much I learned from it ….but yes whatever I learnt from it …each and every thing is worthwhile….Our Almighty has designed life in a very well-organized manner ….. Keeping balance in relations …deeds…. We never know when our debts get recovered….and when we move ahead keeping all other things aside…..
Many times ….some events take place in your life …..and we think why it happened???  but remember always that each  and everything which comes to you is meaningful…so take it positively as much as you can.
You will never get a chance to repeat the incidents, events, and rewind your life….if you get anything then it is just a chance to recall those memories….so why to wait every time when you are not sure for the next moment itself….but again certain things don’t take place even through your endless efforts…at that time just think you still need to wait for some time or else something better has been planned for you …….
Always be cheerful in your life….let this world learn something from you…let people around you feel  happy n better when you are around…be positive so that your surrounding environment becomes equally positive….Don’t ..don’t ever share your sorrows with anyone …as this world  is like a market that is not interested in debts of sorrow…but only interested in credits of joys…in short not everyone is interested in knowing your sorrows…people are not here to listen your sorrows…everyone wants to be happy…
Life is really just like a book (truly said by someone)…I think so…we don’t even have any idea about…what is going to happen in our story so called “Life”…we just keep on reading…things come in front of you unexpectedly....those same things which we actually don’t expect to happen …then it is said whatever happens, happens for a good purpose. Also whatever is going to take place will definitely take place…..
We come across various lives….some are there to teach us some lessons...some need to learn from you....thus people are playing their role in your life…there are some whom you don’t want to leave…there are few who don’t want to leave you…
World  is full  of Sufferings….suffering from joy as well as sorrows…each and every person has his/her own joy and sorrow to suffer in their own life…
One good song…"Ruk jana nahi tu kahin haar ke..kaaton pe chalk e milenge saayein bahar ke”…"saathi na karva hai..yeh tera imtiha hai..”something to think on!!!...I agree with these lines…I don’t know I’m alone or there is any one with me…but yes I can say ....At times I feel certain things  can only be felt by ourselves and not by others..unless you go through it…and still when you move on!!! is really something inexpressible in words…..have experienced it in life once...I was not alone...but yes mentally when you go for are actually…but still I’m thankful to Almighty for his Immense Grace on me…without him I’m nothing…I don’t need to tell or show it to anyone…it is what I think in my own way.